Singosari Berkah Mandiri

Singosari Temple was discovered around 1803 by Nicolaus Engelhard. Since that time, Singosari Temple has gotten the Europeans’ attention. In 1804, the statues were translocation from the temple ruins. Then, these statues were brought to the Netherlands in 1819.

Singosari Temple was built based on the decision of the Supreme Advisory Council (Sapta Prabu) consisting of seven kings whose orders were conveyed by Tribuwanatunggadewi Maharaja Jayawisynuwarddhana to Mahaminister Rakrian Empu Mada to build a temple for maha brahmana, head of the Shiva-Buddhist religion, former mahapatih who died together with King Kertanegara. The development of the construction of the temple was handed over to Patih Jinordhana.

Based on the content of the charter, it can be concluded that Singosari Temple is a legacy of Majapahit under the leadership of Tribhuwanatunggadewi. The construction of the temple was intended to commemorate the service and loyalty of the former Patih Singosari, Pu Raganatha, or Sang Ramapati who died together with King Kertanegara when a rebellion from Gelanggelang led by Jayakatwang in 1292 AD.

It is estimated that Singosari Temple has a Shiva-Buddhist background. Parts of the temple are described as follows:

a. Roof Temple (arupadhatu)

Pyramid shapes consist of several stages, and each step is decorated with an obelisk. The roof has collapsed. They are currently remaining in the first and second stages with a height of 2.50 meters. The current height of the temple building is 14.10 meters.

b. Body Temple (rupadhatu)

Square shapes with sides measuring 5.20 meters and a height of 4.85 meters. The temple body is empty, and there is no main room. Niches on all four sides are blank.

c. Foundation Temple (kamadhatu)

It is made from andesite stone in a square shape with a long side of 8.8 meters and a height of 4.86 meters. A frameless entrance is decorated with very simple sculptures and reliefs, suggesting that Singosari Temple has not been completed yet.

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